Larry Towell and Mike Stevens @ Visual Studies Workshop

As I mentioned yesterday, last night I attended a LIVE performance by Larry Towell and Mike Stevens at Visual Studies Workshop as part of the Aesthetics of Atrocity Public Program.

Wow, where to begin? First, I had no idea that Larry was also going to be performing vocals and acoustics! Not only was Mike playing the harmonica, who did not disappoint, but Larry played the guitar and even a saw! When Larry sang his voice was so visceral. The musical experience paired with his photographs of atrocity for two hours made for a very moving night.

I didn’t take any photos of the performance due to the fact that the auditorium was very dark and my glowing point-and-shoot camera would have been way too distracting. So, I snapped the above two pics with my BlackBerry. The first one was during the intermission between sets and the second was at the very end of the event.

Visual Studies Workshop did have staff capturing video footage of the performance so hopefully that will be online soon for those of you who missed it. I will keep you posted!

I actually have to write a response paper for one of my classes on this event, so I will wait to share anymore of my thoughts until I finish that. Joys of grad school – ha!

Author: Megan Charland

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